Here's how it works...

all the code is on the actor's On Update tab, there, scripts will check if any input on the d-pad is pressed, if it's pressed, for example, Up direction, then two other scripts will check if left or right (but not down, because you can't press down and up at the same time) are pressed, IF they are, then voila, the actor's movement will be diagonal,if not, the the actor will move normally.

Same thing with the other directions, they are labeled as X Movement (Up Mov., Left Mov., Etc.), you can just copy the entire on update tab and paste it on any actor if you want, just credit me


Project Files - Diagonal Movement 135 kB


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Cool, but movement feels a little jerky when you're moving just left, right, up or down


hi, that because i use an actor instead of the player, something like a puppet, controlling actors remotely is kind of laggy for some reason but i haven't found other alternatives, i'm sorry but I abandoned the game i while ago, let me see if i can fix the problem of ours when i have time


hi! I didn't expect a reply. It's great that you're working on this, keep up the good work!


This is cool and it seems to work well!